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According to a 단기알바 2018 global trends report published by LinkedIn, 76% of recruiters and hiring managers believe that the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or more accurately, automation and artificial intelligence, will significantly impact the recruiting industry. Here at Change Recruitment, we would rather believe the Fourth Industrial Revolution will largely be positive for the future of work.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution will affect almost all industries, with economists projecting 50% of jobs are susceptible to automation. Many economists expect that automation, rather than outsourcing, will result in more than 1.5 million jobs being lost in the U.S. manufacturing industry. In addition to manufacturing, transportation is most likely to suffer as robot automation gains momentum in future years.

Not only will recruiters face unemployment in various industries, aspects of their roles could be automated. As a result, some jobs will be fully automated, leaving workers forced to learn new skills in order to keep working.

Old ways of doing things will change, and a new source of jobs will become available. There is even a chance of new jobs being created for working with AI technologies, and developing them. The need for people with tech-related skills is likely to grow as more of peoples lives are conducted virtually.

Machine learning and UI technologies, such as voice and gesture recognition, will progress, either increasing productivity or eliminating certain cognitive jobs entirely. AI and cutting-edge technologies are expected to make processes more intelligent, with machines becoming more humanized over the long term.

For various reasons, we think that many years will pass before AI will be capable of replacing humans in a wide range of healthcare processes. While there are numerous instances where AI could do healthcare tasks just as well as humans, deployment factors will keep automation from reaching full scale in health care jobs for quite some time. Instead, automation and AI will contribute to evolving roles in the workforce, helping make human workers more efficient.

It is not as though AI and automation are going to necessarily replace the majority of jobs, rather, it is going to require humans to adapt and learn to leverage these technologies to augment existing processes. Technology will keep evolving the roles humans play in the workforce, so it will require each individual to adjust his or her skills over a working lifetime. Transformation has already led to changes in the skills required for most jobs, and with more and more powerful technology, robots will overtake humans for efficiency and smarts at each job.

Computers, robots, and automation have changed the nature and roles of nearly all jobs over the past several decades. Amid the headlines proclaiming predicted job losses from automation, as well as other changes brought about by artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and autonomous systems, it is evident the ways in which we work and live are changing. Automation and AI are driving a new revolution, changing jobs across industries, from IT to manufacturing. According to some studies, around a quarter of jobs are at risk of automation worldwide.

Key industries which will cushion you from unemployment possibilities in the future include AI, robotics, 3D printing, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, IoT, autonomous transportation, aerospace, genomics (genetically mapping and editing), to name just a few.

According to the World Economic Forums report, The Future of Jobs, these are 10 skills that you will need to take on in the fourth industrial revolution. Combining the insights from the McKinsey Global Institute Report with knowledge from the Pluralsight Subject Matter Experts, we compiled a list of the 10 technologies leading up to this new Industrial Revolution. To find an answer, we need to look a little deeper into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including both its potential impacts and benefits.

Industry 4.0 means many things to a lot of people in practice, and what some consider to be a definition of Industry 4.0, others would not. If you are trying to understand Industry 4.0, or Industrial Internet, you need an understanding of a few basic terms related to operations, manufacturing, and mechanics. As you will notice, the answers to those questions are quite similar to the answers in any Digital Transformation challenge across any sector, as well as in any Digital Transformation Strategy Challenge.

Advances in AI, machine vision, sensors, engines, hydraulics, and materials are going to transform how products and services are delivered. Vince LaPiana fears that we will see greater economic dislocations and worsening conditions for workers outside of the tech sector, like those in the service sector. Many of the opportunities for entry-level jobs will be gone, just from the downsizing in service-oriented industries, because disposable income is shrinking.

People in service jobs that are a good fit for the needs of tech workers might be doing just fine, but others are not. Technology will disrupt some careers, and those that cannot adjust to the new ways of working will lose their jobs. With increasing dependence on technology to perform those functions, the need for human input will become unnecessary in the jobs of the future.

AI-enabled programs might be less capable of responding to changes as humans can; thus, the marketing managers role will continue to be one that is driven by humans. As chatbot platforms get ever-more sophisticated, and COVID-19s effects on the travel industry are likely to be lasting, I predict that travel companies will choose to remove the human element sooner rather than later. The human workforce will have to develop a level of comfort and acceptance of how humans and machines can cooperate, using the best both bring to the workplace.

Even though replacement is not looming right now, industry experts like Fortune say robots will replace 40% of jobs over the next 15 years. Because online education tends to favor students with access to tech and private spaces, this epidemic will have lasting effects on diversity within the tech industry.